Hi! I’m Ellyse, creator of the blog The Redeemed Farmhouse. Join me as I continue to find ways of redeeming the lost art of cooking from scratch, creating with my hands daily, and living a natural lifestyle.

About me
I am from the busy metro Atlanta area but am learning to embrace the slower life with my husband and 3 sons in the North East Georgia mountains.
Although I’m from the city, I grew up on a quiet plot of land in an old 1920’s farmhouse. This is where my passion for creating a simple, cozy farmhouse stemmed!
I’m a total health nut. This started when I was a teenager while my mom worked for holistic medical practitioners. This trend has continued full force since then and isn’t stopping anytime soon. I love cooking whole foods from scratch and finding natural remedies when I need them for my family.
For the first 14 years of my life, I watched as my parents DIYed the farmhouse of their dreams. I’ve carried that creative passion into my own home. My mom always said “If it sits still, it gets painted” and this is still true for me today.

Fun Facts About Me
I played basketball until high school, then joined a dance company in the 9th grade. Basketball to ballet was interesting… let’s just say I never went on to be a prima ballerina.
I met my husband in a 9 month gap year program. We were both from Georgia but met in Pennsylvania where we traveled the east coast and went abroad to Italy learning all about God and our Messiah along the way.
I’d rather drive a nice big truck over a fancy sports car any day. But alas, a minivan will just have to do for now.
I’m the kind of person who finishes their last cup of coffee for the day and can’t wait to go to bed to have another in the morning!
Before meeting my husband, I wanted to be a photographer for national geographic traveling the world. Ha! I like my job as a mom a lot better. I’d rather snap memories in the making in my own backyard over some never before seen jungle man from the amazon.
I actually enjoy exercising. I love the challenge and the results an intense workout gives me. It’s a part of my day-to-day life. Fun fact: this website has gone back and forth from being a fitness blog to what it is now.

Why The Redeemed Farmhouse?
Redeem: do something that compensates for poor past performance or behavior.
They trust in the wealth and boast of their abundant riches. Yet these cannot redeem a person or pay his ransom to God —since the price of redeeming him is too costly, one should forever stop trying—so that he may live forever and not see the Pit. For one can see that wise man die; foolish and stupid men also pass away. Then they leave their wealth to others. But God will redeem my life from the power of Sheol, for He will take me. Do not be afraid when a man gets rich when the wealth of his house increases. For when he dies, he will take nothing at all; his wealth will not follow him down. Though he praises himself during his lifetime —and people praise you when you do well for yourself —he will go to the generation of his fathers; they will never see the light. A man with valuable possessions but without understanding is like an animal that perishes. Psalm 49:6-9,15-20
The biggest part of my life is my relationship with Yahweh (Hebrew for God). It is central to everything I do.
How I parent my three boys.
The way I treat strangers at the market.
Why I desire to learn how generations before us lived (homesteading).
The kinds of foods I do and do not eat.
And so many more things. He influences every part of it.
For me, giving my life to Yeshua (Jesus’ Hebrew name) has urged me to make more than just a spiritual change. It’s urged me to seek ancient paths.
Jeremiah 6:16 says, “This is what the Lord says: Stand by the roadways and look. Ask about the ancient paths: Which is the way to what is good? Then take it and find rest for yourselves. But they protested, “We won’t!”
I’m seeking to understand His good ways, and while I don’t believe everyone seeking to understand His ways needs or has to learn how to make bread from scratch (John 6:48) or to have a plot of land with livestock (John 10:11), I do think it is helping me to understand His word in a very tangible way.
What you will find here
With all that said, if you are still interested in following along on this journey, here is what you’ll find:
- Sustainable living
- Recipes
- Motherhood
- Natural health
- Herbs
- Gardening
- Minimalism
- Homeschooling
- Farm to table products (milk, eggs, meat, ect)
And of course, most importantly, I’ll share scripture when I feel prompted by the Father.
Thank you for stopping by The Redeemed Farmhouse
I hope you’ll follow along with our farmhouse shenanigans.